Michael Humblet
In Why Now? Michael Humblet teaches you how to create the right pitch to maximize your impact and speed up the conversion of prospects into customers. Learn how to tailor sales and closing techniques to the needs of your prospects to formulate the ultimate sales pitch. Humblet's phone rings: 'Michael, people are interested in our product, and we write scores of offers but take-up is poor. What are we doing wrong?' Humblet's reply is invariably: 'Why should a customer buy from you today? Why now?' Sales pitches will fail if this fundamental issue is not addressed, a problem Humblet encounters in 90% of his client companies. They know how to identify prospects, but they do not have a compeling story, tailored to individual prospects. Humblet's clients want to know how to speed up the sales process and close more deals. Humblet tells you how in Why Now? Having optimised more than 500 sales pitches, in Why Now? Humblet shares the five elements needed to turn prospects into customers. With case studies and before and after examples, Why Now? gives you a blueprint for how to best describe your offer in a sales pitch, website, brochure or sales offer and gives you proven tools to close deals. You will learn how to create the ultimate sales flow. It's closing time!