Neil Gaiman
Dans le vol qui l'emmène à l'enterrement de sa femme tant aimée, Ombre rencontre Voyageur, un intrigant personnage. Dieu antique, comme le suggèrent ses énigmes, fou, ou bien simple arnaqueur ? Et en quoi consiste réellement le travail qu'il lui propose ?
En acceptant finalement d'entrer à son service, Ombre va se retrouver plongé au sein d'un conflit qui le dépasse : celui qui oppose héros mythologiques de l'ancien monde et nouvelles idoles profanes de l'Amérique. Mais comment savoir qui tire réellement les ficelles : ces entités légendaires saxonnes issues de l'aube des temps, ou les puissances du consumérisme et de la technologie ? A moins que ce ne soit ce mystérieux M. Monde... -
L'Apocalypse aura lieu samedi prochain, après le thé ! Ainsi en ont décidé, d'un commun accord, les forces du Bien et celles du Mal. L'Antéchrist va fêter ses onze ans. Son éducation a été supervisée par un ange, Aziraphale, et un démon, Rampa, résidant sur Terre depuis l'époque de la première pomme. Mais voilà, suite à un coup du sort, l'enfant a été échangé à la maternité. Le véritable Antéchrist se nomme Adam et vit dans la banlieue de Londres. Et ça, ça change tout ! Une course contre la montre commence alors pour l'ange et le démon qui, finalement, se disent que la race humaine ne mérite pas son sort...
La légende raconte qu'il existerait neuf mondes, reliés par Yggdrasil, le frêne puissant et parfait. C'est là le théâtre des aventures d'Odin, le plus grand et ancien dieu, Père de tout ; de son fils aîné Thor, fort et tumultueux, armé de Mjollnir, son légendaire marteau ; et de Loki, séduisant, rusé et manipulateur inégalable. Dieux trop humains, parfois sages, souvent impétueux, quelquefois tricheurs, ils guerroient, se défient et se trahissent. Jusqu'à Ragnarok, la fin de toutes choses.
Voici leur histoire, rapportée par Neil Gaiman, le plus grand des conteurs.
" Une passionnante synthèse des légendes nordiques. Érudit et sincère, voici un ouvrage que tous les férus de contes et légendes se doivent de posséder. " Just A Word " S'appuyant sur des textes historiques, Gaiman s'invente en barde, nous contant les grandes sagas qui ont créé le monde viking. Un vrai plaisir. " Un dernier livre avant la fin du monde -
Londres, un soir comme tant d'autres. Richard Mayhew découvre une jeune fille gisant sur le trottoir, l'épaule ensanglantée. Qui le supplie de ne pas l'emmener à l'hôpital... et disparaît dès le lendemain. Pour Richard, tout dérape alors : sa fiancée le quitte, on ne le reconnaît pas au bureau, certains. même, ne le voient plus... Le monde à l'envers, en quelque sorte. Car il semble que Londres ait un envers, la «ville d'En Bas», cité souterraine où vit un peuple d'une autre époque, invisible aux yeux du commun des mortels. Un peuple organisé, hiérarchisé, et à la tête duquel les rats jouent un rôle prépondérant. Plus rien ne le retenant «là-haut», Richard rejoint les profondeurs...
Nobody Owens était presque encore un bébé quand sa famille a péri sous la lame du plus célèbre des tueurs de Londres, le Jack. La nuit du drame, il est cependant parvenu à se réfugier dans un cimetière, où un couple de fantômes l'a recueilli et l'a élevé comme l'un des leurs, sous l'oeil bienveillant de Silas, son ami ni vivant ni mort. Mais cette période heureuse est aujourd'hui révolue, car le Jack rôde toujours, et l'heure est venue d'aller l'affronter une bonne fois pour toutes. À l'extérieur.
Un jeune homme revient sur les lieux de son enfance et voit ses souvenirs refaire surface avec une précision déroutante : le suicide d'un locataire, sa rencontre avec une petite voisine prénommée Lettie, etc. Une réflexion autour de la mémoire, de l'oubli et sur ce qui demeure en chacun de l'enfance.
D'un côté, il y a Wall, paisible village niché au sein d'une calme forêt anglaise. de l'autre, le pays des fées, univers d'enchantements, de sorcières, de licornes et de princes sanguinaires. Entre les deux, il y a le mur, l'infranchissable et épaisse muraille qui ceint le hameau et le sépare de féerie. infranchissable ? Pas tout à fait, puisque tous les neuf ans s'ouvre la foire des fées qui, durant un jour et une nuit, permet aux deux mondes de se rencontrer. dans certaines circonstances, cependant, attendre si longtemps pour pénétrer en féerie est impossible. Car quand on s'appelle Tristan Thorn et que l'on a promis à sa belle l'étoile filante tombée du firmament de l'autre côté du mur, aucun obstacle ne saurait s'élever contre l'amour...
Rencontrer les Grands Anciens dans les rues de Londres, goûter la chair de l'oiseau-soleil d'Égypte, survivre aux antivirus de la Matrice, voilà un aperçu des voyages auxquels nous invite Neil Gaiman, dans autant de fables tragiques et grotesques, de poèmes doux et cruels, de récits terribles et merveilleux, où réalité et fantasme s'accouplent à l'ombre de Conan Doyle, H P Lovecraft, C S Lewis ou encore Ray Bradbury.
Une mosaïque de sons, d'odeurs, d'idées, d'échos, de souvenirs éphémères, de choses fragiles à garder précieusement dans le grenier de sa mémoire.
Modern fictionAn imaginative and eagerly anticipated new novel from this highly acclaimed and award-winning author. Fat Charlie Nancy is angry, confused and a little scared. He has just found out that his estranged father was a god, as is his brother who is attempted, and doing very well at, taking over Fat Charlie's life.
Signal d'alerte - fictions courtes et derangements
Neil Gaiman
- J'ai Lu
- Imaginaire
- 3 Juin 2020
- 9782290134665
«Il est des choses qui nous perturbent, des mots ou des idées qui surgissent sous nos pas comme des trappes, nous précipitant de notre monde de sécurité et de bon sens en un lieu beaucoup plus sombre et moins accueillant.»C'est là le chemin que Neil Gaiman nous propose d'arpenter à travers ces vingt-quatre nouvelles, contes et poèmes, en s'affranchissant des genres pour ne garder que la substantifique moelle d'un imaginaire tour à tour sombre ou flamboyant.
There is something strange about Coraline's new home. It's not the mist, or the cat that always seems to be watching her, nor the signs of danger that Miss Spink and Miss Forcible, her new neighbours, read in the tea leaves. It's the other house - the one behind the old door in the drawing room. Another mother and father with black-button eyes and papery skin are waiting for Coraline to join them there. And they want her to stay with them. For ever. She knows that if she ventures through that door, she may never come back.
____________________ COMING TO AMAZON PRIME ON 31ST MAY - STARRING DAVID TENNANT, MICHAEL SHEEN AND BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH 'Marvellously benign, ridiculously inventive and gloriously funny' Guardian ____________________ 'Armageddon only happens once, you know. They don't let you go around again until you get it right' According to The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter Witch, Judgement Day is almost upon us and the world's going to end in a week . . .
Now people have been predicting the end of the world almost from its very beginning, so it's only natural to be sceptical when a new date is set for Judgement Day. But what if, for once, the predictions are right, and the apocalypse really is due to arrive next Saturday, just after tea?
You could spend the time left drowning your sorrows, giving away all your possessions in preparation for the rapture, or laughing it off as (hopefully) just another hoax. Or you could just try to do something about it.
It's a predicament that Aziraphale, a somewhat fussy angel, and Crowley, a fast-living demon now finds themselves in. They've been living amongst Earth's mortals since The Beginning and, truth be told, have grown rather fond of the lifestyle and, in all honesty, are not actually looking forward to the coming Apocalypse.
And then there's the small matter that someone appears to have misplaced the Antichrist . . .
Alors qu'il participe à une course d'orientation, Joey se retrouve brusquement projeté dans un autre monde, à la fois très semblable au sien, mais subtilement différent.
Lorsqu'il se rend compte que sa propre mère ne le reconnaît pas (et pour cause, elle n'a jamais eu de fils!), le jeune homme comprend qu'il a basculé dans une dimension parallèle. Et des dimensions parallèles, il y en a quantité, tout comme il existe une infinité de Joey, capables eux aussi de marcher entre les mondes. Ensemble, ils forment une unité d'élite devant à tout prix sauvegarder l'équilibre entre les forces de Sire Lamechien et celles de Madame Indigo, qui se livrent une guerre sans merci pour étendre leur influence sur les dimensions.
Horror & ghost stories, chillersA tremendously original blend of fantasy, humour, ghost story and family drama from Neil Gaiman, now published in paperback. When a baby escapes a murderer intent on killing the entire family, who would have thought he would find safety in a graveyard? In 8 chapters featuring every second year of Bod's life, we trace his upbringing by ghosts from infancy to adolescence. With the murderer still at large, will he survive to be a man? This edition is aimed at the young adult market, and contains illustrations by Chris Riddell. Ages: 12+
WINNER OF THE SPECSAVERS NATIONAL BOOK AWARDS 2013 BOOK OF THE YEAR The Ocean at the End of the Lane is the bestselling magical novel from Neil Gaiman, one of the most brilliant storytellers of our generation and author of the epic novel American Gods , and the much-loved Sandman series. 'Possibly Gaiman's most lyrical, scary and beautiful work yet. It's a tale of childhood for grown-ups, a fantasy rooted in the darkest corners of reality' ( Independent on Sunday). If you loved the mesmerising world of Erin Morgenstern's The Night Circus or were drawn into J.K. Rowling's magical universe, this book is for you. It began for our narrator forty years ago when the family lodger stole their car and committed suicide in it, stirring up ancient powers best left undisturbed. Dark creatures from beyond this world are on the loose, and it will take everything our narrator has just to stay alive: there is primal horror here, and menace unleashed - within his family and from the forces that have gathered to destroy it. His only defence is three women, on a farm at the end of the lane. The youngest of them claims that her duckpond is an ocean. The oldest can remember the Big Bang. The Ocean at the End of the Lane is a fable that reshapes modern fantasy: moving, terrifying and elegiac - as pure as a dream, as delicate as a butterfly's wing, as dangerous as a knife in the dark.
Discover Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere , the extraordinary modern classic from the bestselling author of American Gods , illustrated for the first time by 2015-2017 UK Children's Laureate Chris Riddell. This beautiful edition features the fully illustrated short story, 'How the Marquis Got His Coat Back', and will delight fans of Coraline, The Book of Dust and Goth Girl . 'Gaiman is, simply put, a treasure-house of story, and we are lucky to have him' Stephen King Under the streets of London lies a world most people could never dream of. When Richard Mayhew helps a mysterious girl he finds bleeding on the pavement, his boring life changes in an instant. Her name is Door, she's on the run from two assassins in black suits and she comes from London Below. His act of kindness leads him to a place filled with monsters and angels, a Beast in a labyrinth and an Earl who holds Court in a Tube train. It is strangely familiar yet utterly bizarre .
Neil Gaiman
- Headline
- 6 Février 2020
- 9781472261281
Neil Gaiman is the bestselling author and creator of books, graphic novels, short stories, film and television for all ages, including Neverwhere , Coraline , The Graveyard Book , The Ocean at the End of the Lane , The View from the Cheap Seats and the critically acclaimed, Emmy-nominated television adaptation of American Gods . The recipient of numerous literary honours, Neil has written scripts for Doctor Who , worked with authors and artists including Terry Pratchett, Chris Riddell and Dave McKean, and Sandman is established as one of the classic graphic novels. In 2017, he became a Goodwill Ambassador for UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency. As George R. R. Martin says: 'There's no one quite like Neil Gaiman.
Neil Gaiman
- Headline
- 12 Novembre 2020
- 9781472260222
A special illustrated edition of The Ocean at the End of the Lane , the bestselling magical novel from master storyteller Neil Gaiman. Breathtaking black-and-white illustrations throughout by fine artist and illustrator, Elise Hurst. 'Both a pitch-perfect fantasy and a moving examination of childhood memories and their effects on our adult selves ... superb' The Times 'Some books you read. Some books you enjoy. But some books just swallow you up, heart and soul' Joanne Harris This is what he remembers, as he sits by the ocean at the end of the lane: A dead man on the back seat of the car, and warm milk at the farmhouse. An ancient little girl, and an old woman who saw the moon being made. A beautiful housekeeper with a monstrous smile. And dark forces woken that were best left undisturbed. They are memories hard to believe, waiting at the edge of things. The recollections of a man who thought he was lost but is now, perhaps, remembering a time when he was saved...
Neil Gaiman
- Headline
- 27 Octobre 2015
- 9781472235329
A Neverwhere short story from one of the brightest, most brilliant writers of our generation - the Sunday Times and New York Times bestselling author of the award-winning The Ocean At the End of the Lane. The coat. It was elegant. It was beautiful. It was so close that he could have reached out and touched it. And it was unquestionably his . *** 'Gaiman's achievement is to make the fantasy world seem true' The Times
A special Christmas edition of the Sunday Times bestseller.WINNER OF THE SPECSAVERS NATIONAL BOOK AWARDS 2013 BOOK OF THE YEAR
The Ocean at the End of the Lane is the bestselling magical novel from Neil Gaiman, one of the most brilliant storytellers of our generation and author of the epic novel American Gods, and the much-loved Sandman series. 'Possibly Gaiman's most lyrical, scary and beautiful work yet. It's a tale of childhood for grown-ups, a fantasy rooted in the darkest corners of reality' (Independent on Sunday). If you loved the mesmerising world of Erin Morgenstern's The Night Circus or were drawn into J.K. Rowling's magical universe, this book is for you.
It began for our narrator forty years ago when the family lodger stole their car and committed suicide in it, stirring up ancient powers best left undisturbed. Dark creatures from beyond this world are on the loose, and it will take everything our narrator has just to stay alive: there is primal horror here, and menace unleashed - within his family and from the forces that have gathered to destroy it. His only defence is three women, on a farm at the end of the lane. The youngest of them claims that her duckpond is an ocean. The oldest can remember the Big Bang.The Ocean at the End of the Lane is a fable that reshapes modern fantasy: moving, terrifying and elegiac - as pure as a dream, as delicate as a butterfly's wing, as dangerous as a knife in the dark. -
In this collection of wonderful stories, which range between fantasy, humour, science fiction and a sprinkling of horror, the reader will relish the range and skill of Neil Gaiman's writing.
Be prepared to laugh at the detective story about Humpty Dumpty's demise, spooked by the sinister jack-in -the-box who haunts the lives of the children who own it, and intrigued by the boy who is raised by ghosts in a graveyard in this collection of bite-sized narrative pleasures. -
With an introduction by Neil Gaiman Before television and radio, before penny paperbacks and mass literacy, people would gather on porches, on the steps outside their homes, and tell stories. The storytellers knew their craft and bewitched listeners would sit and listen long into the night as moths flitted around overhead. The Moth is a non-profit group that is trying to recapture this lost art, helping storytellers - old hands and novices alike - hone their stories before playing to packed crowds at sold-out live events. The very best of these stories are collected here: whether it's Bill Clinton's hell-raising press secretary or a leading geneticist with a family secret; a doctor whisked away by nuns to Mother Teresa's bedside or a film director saving her father's Chinatown store from money-grabbing developers; the Sultan of Brunei's concubine or a friend of Hemingway's who accidentally talks himself into a role as a substitute bullfighter, these eccentric, pitch-perfect stories - all, amazingly, true - range from the poignant to the downright hilarious.