Entreprise, économie & droit
Technology continues to change the world. In order to keep evolving as a manager, you have to find inspiration in that world. You have to have the courage to read the signals, to fully dedicate yourself to the needs of the customer, to focus on opportunities and to keep experimenting. Above all, you need to connect with as large a public as possible and simultaneously address every customer individually. This is the only way to survive in an increasingly competitive future.
Managers The Day After Tomorrow reveals the vectors that drive this changing world. Combining insights from sociology, evolutionary theory and psychology, it guides you past the hypes to a new style of management. This book is a handhold for managers in a world that is no longer predictable."
What if customers expect more than just a good product, excellent service and perfectly performing digital interfaces? And what if new technologies like 5G, artificial intelligence, quantum computing and robotics offer possibilities that go beyond mere ease of use?
Digital ease of use is the new minimum. It has become a commodity. The customer now regards it as the most normal thing in the world to have access to limitless products and services with just a single click of a mouse. In the years ahead, companies will need to play an active role in the 'life journey' of customers: helping to make their dreams come true and removing problems from their daily lives. In addition, customers are looking increasingly to companies instead of governments to tackle societal challenges like climate change, health care and mobility.
If your company succeeds in providing outstanding digital service, becomes a partner in the life of your customers and provides solutions for major societal issues, you will develop 'an offer you can't refuse'.
L'entreprise immortelle ; survivre à l'ère disruptive
Fons Van dyck
- Lannoo Campus
- 8 Mars 2019
- 9789401459235
La durée de vie des entreprises est de plus en plus courte. Nombreuses sont celles qui disparaîtront dans les années à venir ; seules quelques-unes parviendront à survivre et à prospérer. Mais comment une entreprise peut-elle devenir immortelle en ces temps disruptifs ?
Une entreprise immortelle sait...
S'adapter intelligemment à un monde qui évolue sans cesse.
Atteindre ses objectifs grâce à une stratégie univoque.
Connecter ses employés, ses parties prenantes, ses partenaires et ses clients dans un système unique et complet.
Protéger et préserver son ADN (son identité et sa culture) sur le long terme.
Dans ce livre, Fons Van Dyck offre à chaque manager un guide des pratiques éprouvées pour survivre à long terme, qu'il examine à la lumière des réussites et des échecs qui jalonnent l'histoire d'Apple depuis plus de 40 ans, de son ascension à sa chute, et enfin à sa résurrection.
L'entreprise immortelle est un plaidoyer unique en son genre en faveur de la nécessité d'une réflexion à long terme. Le livre s'attaque sans relâche aux lieux communs et aux mythes qui circulent autour des organisations prospères. Un kit de survie pour chaque entrepreneur à l'ère disruptive, avec des conseils pratiques et des do's and don'ts.
RIO connexion + confiance = acquisition
Jochen Roef, Jozefien de Feyter, Carolien Boom
- Lannoo
- 14 Mai 2020
- 9789401469289
Êtes-vous capable de vendre à tout type de client ?
Les clients d'aujourd'hui veulent une expérience d'achat hautement personnalisée et unique : ils demandent à bénéficier de l'encadrement d'experts dans un processus d'achat pertinent et efficace du début à la fin. Mais en tant que vendeur, comment répondre à cette attente exigeante ?
Le modèle RIO fait le travail pour vous. Il s'agit d'une méthode qui vous permet de déterminer les préférences d'achat de votre interlocuteur et de vous faire une idée précise des facteurs nécessaires pour créer un climat de confiance et de coopération.
Connexion + Confiance = Acquisition vous amène au coeur de la vente d'aujourd'hui et va même au-delà. Bien plus qu'une simple typologie des clients, RIO est le point de départ d'une nouvelle ère de vente dans laquelle l'élément central est le contact entre le client et le vendeur. En tant que vendeur, si vous intégrez les connaissances décrites dans ce livre, vous verrez augmenter non seulement votre chiffre d'affaires, mais aussi votre propre estime ainsi que l'influence positive sur les personnes qui vous entourent.
Managing change has become an increasingly critical capability in today's turbulent and disruptive work environment. Nevertheless, research indicates that failure rates of change initiatives remain high. Six Batteries of Change proposes a new model that helps managers to deal with this challenging topic in a more effective way, by assessing the extent to which the batteries that are needed to implement change in your organization are charged.
By setting up new frameworks and referring to numerous cases to illustrate the effectiveness of each approach, Six Batteries of Change shows managers how to develop transformation competency by creating a more energized organization, capable of dealing with faster and more complex change.
"Distributors are hard to manage.
That is what many managers believe.
They always want better prices.
They insist on exclusivity.
They do not implement your strategy.
They are too focused on other products.
They need too much support.
Getting the most out of your distributors starts with you. Improve your channel strategy and dare to challenge your distributors more. They are not only your customers. They are also an extension to your organization. Learn to manage them as such. Like the famous dog whisperer, Cesar Millan, the change does not start with the dog. It starts with the owners. And with distributors, that is you.
The Channel Whisperer is a chronologic approach to improved recruitment, management and development of your potential and current distribution channels. This manager's guide is both for the experienced and novice channel managers working in a national or international B2B environment."
Drawing enhances memorisation, understanding, talking and listening and sparks communication. It is a universal language, and can help you convey your message more clearly and engagingly - especially during meetings, while laying out ideas or simply in a brainstorming session. So why have all of us stopped drawing at a certain point in our lives?
Start to Draw is a fun and clear-cut guide to drawing and visualising your ideas in your work environment. It is an accessible, bite-size book providing insight into why drawing works, how you can have a great impact on your own (and others') professional work, and how you can end up with a more creative approach to your job.
Along with rapid growth, HRS is experiencing slow decision-making, demotivated people and a failed product release. Chris, the brand new CEO, has to save the company and make it successful again. But how do you transform an organization to become truly agile and effective?
This book introduces Sociocracy 3.0 as a practical guide towards more resilient and meaningful organizations. Sociocracy 3.0 offers a set of proven patterns to navigate complexity and collaborate more effectively, based on equivalence, collective intelligence and an adaptive organizational structure.
Luc Cortebeeck has been fighting for social justice for over forty years. From 2011 to 2017, he was Vice-Chairperson of the ILO Governing Body and in 2017-2018 its Chairperson. The International Labor Organization (ILO) is the UN agency that brings together governments, employers and workers, promotes decent work and social justice, and sets and supervises international labour standards.
In Still Work to Be Done he presents his experiences and insights, which call for reflection and, above all, action. In a far-reaching analysis of labour in today's world - from forced labour in Asia and the Gulf States through the brutal violence against trade unionists in Latin America to the erosion of social security and the right to strike in industrialised countries - he examines the future of work : how can we eliminate child labour and exploitation ? How do we make governments and multinationals respect all workers in supply chains ? How do we use the challenges and opportunities of digitisation to tackle inequality ? How will we work in the post-coronavirus world, after a pandemic hitting the most vulnerable and the young hardest of all ?
This is the era of the Smart Ecosystems Economy, where the companies that thrive must be ready to cope with randomness and unexpected events. In this digital world, the traditional boundaries have disappeared, paving the way for new and smarter ecosystems to develop. Companies seeking to transform into future-proof organisations would do well to understand these ecosystems, and get a grasp on how they work.
This book serves as a guide to building smart, competitive ecosystems for both small and large organisations. A timely book that cracks the code of tomorrow's business models.
Disruption can be defined as every evolution in the field of entrepreneurship that threatens to make an organization irrelevant. This book will guide you through the world that these disruptions create.
Disruption@WORK describes how disruption comes about and which paradigms make up its origins. Using readily applicable models, you will learn how to think more critically about the current position of your organization and what you can do as a leader to maximize its chances of survival, so that you can look to the future with confidence.
Out of office : Travailleurs acharnés : Pilotes en quête d'oxygène
Sabine Tobback
- Lannoo Campus
- 25 Juin 2020
- 9789401468855
Ton sens des responsabilités te pousse-t-il à assumer des montagnes de travail ? Te dit-on parfois que tu travailles (trop) dur ? Penses-tu qu'en tant que manager ou chef d'équipe tu travailles plus dur que les autres ? Instaures-tu rarement un « Out of Office » ?
Si tu as répondu « oui » à au moins deux de ces questions, il est très probable que tu sois un travailleur acharné. Il n'y a rien de mal à cela !... à condition de travailler dur selon les règles de l'art. Si tu veux atteindre le « sommet » et y rester, tu dois en effet comprendre pourquoi tu travailles dur.
On ne devient pas un travailleur acharné, on l'est et on le montre. Les managers qui travaillent dur ont besoin d'une formation pointue, tout comme les pilotes de chasse. Sur base de cette comparaison, ce livre propose une formule claire de réussite pour les travailleurs acharnés, leurs dirigeants (superviseurs), leurs coachs et les responsables RH. Tu peux, à court et long terme, obtenir des résultats tant en croissance professionnelle que personnelle.
Dans Out of Office, Sabine Tobback, elle-même travailleuse acharnée pur sang, brise les tabous sur le sujet. Elle distingue quatre types de travailleurs acharnés et, sur la base d'autotests, de questions spécifiques, de schémas et de listes de contrôle, te permet de mieux comprendre ton comportement au travail.
Le futur du shopping : tous ensemble dans le retail
- Lannoo Campus
- 2 Avril 2018
- 9789401452175
La gestion de questions délicates au sein des entreprises familiales
Rik Donckels, Hans Wilmots
- Lannoo Campus
- 13 Septembre 2016
- 9789401438865
La majorité des entreprises nationales et internationales sont détenues par des familles. L'influence des entreprises familiales sur l'économie mondiale est colossale, c'est pourquoi leur bonne gestion est capitale. Mais cela requiert une approche adaptée, car chaque entreprise familiale rencontre des obstacles et des opportunités qui sont différents de ceux des entreprises non familiales.Les auteurs de cet ouvrage mettent leur longue expérience professionnelle et universitaire au profit d'un guide en deux parties.Celui-ci se compose, premièrement, d'un livre qui retrace l'histoire pendant cinq décennies d'une entreprise familiale dans le secteur de la production de pommes de terre. La seconde partie est un manuel qui allie théorie et pratique à l'aide d'exemples identifiables tout au long de l'histoire. Ainsi, l'ouvrage se veut un guide étayé pour toute une série de questions délicates auxquelles les entreprises familiales peuvent être confrontées, un jour ou l'autre.La gestion de questions délicates au sein des entreprises familiales montre aux dirigeants de ces entreprises la voie vers une gestion efficace, tout en étant adaptée au contexte économique actuel et en tenant compte de l'importance des valeurs familiales.
Credo pour gagner ; optimiste quant à notre prospérité
Pieter Timmermans
- Lannoo
- 21 Septembre 2012
- 9789401406475
Pieter Timmermans rompt avec le discours ambiant sur notre avenir. Tournant le dos au scepticisme et au cynisme, il présente une perspective optimiste tout en nuances : son credo pour gagner. Pourquoi ? Parce qu'il existe de nombreux ingrédients qui peuvent faire de la Belgique un pays prospère au sein d'un monde globalisé. Comment ? En lançant le débat sur des défis dont nous ne sommes peut-être pas encore conscients à l'heure actuelle, mais auxquels nous nous trouverons confrontés d'ici peu et qui modifieront en profondeur le monde dans lequel nous vivons et travaillons. Credo pour gagner est une invitation à la discussion adressée à tous ceux qui entendent exploiter nos atouts au maximum au cours des prochaines décennies. N'hésitez pas à donner votre avis !
Beyonders; transcending average leadership
Herman Van den broeck, David Venter
- Lannoo
- 12 Avril 2013
- 9789020998658
Speak up, you can become a Beyonder! <a href=''>Ook verkrijgbaar als e-boek</a> <a href=''>Ook verkrijgbaar in de iBookstore</a> In many organisations and countries people are desperately searching for leaders that can provide solutions to transcend the many financial, political and environmental problems that the world is facing. Sadly, such leaders are few and far between. But fortunately there is hope: Beyondership. Leaders who aspire to Beyondership possess and radiate a deep-seated vision, anchored in a clear set of values. What others see as obstacles, they welcome as challenging opportunities. They create environments that inspire passion, and persevere until their goals are reached. Even when not supported by powerful parties, they have the courage to be a minority of one and steadfastly fight for what they genuinely believe. For a Beyonder, it is not about being the best in the world, bu
Disruptive selling; A new approach to sales, marketing and customer service
Patrick Maes
- Lannoo
- 18 Mai 2016
- 9789401435178
The heyday of the classic sales force is over. Customers lead mobile and online lives and consider sales visits intrusive and a waste of their precious time. Successful companies use disruptive concepts to engage with the empowered customer.
Sales, marketing and customer service need to be overhauled. Marketing automation and CRM tools have become key to survival. Disruptive Selling helps companies to transform to the new age of selling.
This is a book for directors, managers and entrepreneurs. You'll need a blank sheet of paper: a fresh start to keep up with the new realities of today. You owe it to yourself and to your customers. There is no excuse for being boring.
La cocréation, c'est...
... une perte de temps ... des bavardages inutiles ... un exercice beaucoup trop difficile Ces idées reçues, on les entend souvent lorsque l'on parle de la cocréation. Cet ouvrage montre tout l'inverse. Co-creation... présente une forme de collaboration efficace, où chaque participant contribue, dans un contexte plus large, au résultat final. Cela permet ainsi d'augmenter les chances de réussite.
Microfactories ; move aside, Mr. Ford
Masa Kleinhample, Jon Kleinhample
- Lannoo
- 18 Octobre 2016
- 9789401437011
De creatieve bedrijven in dit boek kiezen eensgezind voor ambacht, traditionele technieken en natuurlijke materialen. Voor deze 'microfactories' is digitaal het nieuwe normaal. Om hun kwaliteitsstandaarden te bewaken, volgen ze nauwgezet elke stap in het productie-, maar dikwijls ook in het communicatieproces. Ze bereiken hun klanten digitaal én wereldwijd. Ze kiezen voor het beste van twee werelden en zetten een nieuwe industriële revolutie in: die van het creatief micro-ondernemen.
Guided by both traditional and digital techniques, these 'microfactories' operate within a contemporary setting, forging new rules for a unique business strategy. To quantify a company as a 'microfactory' means elevating their status, recognizing that person's ability to shift the rules defining operational norms within creative businesses. They are, by definition, the embodiment of a ground-breaking creative renaissance, ushered in by the integration of both tradition and technology into our daily lives, whether business or personal. They operate extremely agile companies with small ecological footprints that communicate directly with their customers. They do not rely on large production facilities; rather on their own, on-demand micro-factories. Living in both the physical city and within a new, expansive, digitally networked community, they define a new breed of commerce. Unbound by location, we see the emergence of a new global landscape benefitting from the intimacy of local actors. This is not your fathers' globalism, but one shaped by the transparency of social networks.
Human beings are creatures of habit. Many people try to change themselves, but often in vain. Companies also spend small fortunes on training their staff. This does not always lead to the desired result.
Based on years of practical experience and important insights from change psychology, Bart De Bondt has developed the Magic Seven Model. This model will help you to successfully change your own and your colleagues' behaviour in seven easy steps. Change@WORK is a guide to professional behaviour that will certainly put you on the right road to sustainable change.
Great ad ideas are all around us. Hidden in plain sight. Waiting to be dug up, to be polished. To shine in clear-cut design, in gripping film or in dazzling multimedia campaigns.
This book honors the greatest Belgian miners of content. The ones that succeed in digging up the most innovative images, the craftsmen of the purest ad diamonds. Covering thirteen categories, it displays Creative Belgium's 2017 Awards, from the ones that made the shortlist to bronze, silver and gold medal winners.
Once again, this book is a tribute to the leanest ads, to the most successful ideas, and to the unrelenting creativity of Belgium's finest ad men and women.
Influencers ; who are they? where do you find them? and how do they light the fire?
Carole Lamarque
- Lannoo
- 12 Mars 2018
- 9789401452168
Influencer marketing is trending. Marketing plans based on mouth-to-mouth advertising generate twice as many sales results. But not all of the information currently circulating about influencers is reliable. What works in America, won't necessarily work in Europe.
INFLUENCERS is the first book that gives a complete picture of influencer marketing as a whole. It allows every CEO, CMO and potential trendsetter to see how you can best spread your message and provides a step-by-step plan to determine the right magnetic content, the right timing and the right type of influencer.
The book shows you how you can develop an innovative marketing and communication strategy that forms the basis for your Influencer Marketing Canvas. This Canvas positions your objectives, actions and influencers on a timeline and gives you a bird's-eye view of your plan that can help to win over other internal stakeholders.
Contact Center Management; From Complaint Center to Value Center
Jan Smets
- Lannoo
- 27 Novembre 2018
- 9789401454100
How do contact centers create value for both the company and the customer?
Do social media mean the end of the contact center as we know it?
How can contact centers improve their all too often negative image?
In Belgium some 100,000 people work in contact centers. Their importance for sales, marketing and customer service cannot be ignored. Even so, the cliché still exists that most customers do not like what they see as the 'impersonal' nature of the majority of contact centers. But does this stereotypical image really reflect reality?
Contact Center Management challenges the self-pitying 'Calimero' reflex that is so typical of the sector. Leaving meaningless theory and politically correct slogans aside, the book shows how you can create real value with a contact center, both for your customers and for your own business.